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No New Posts hufflepuff common room ,

much like their animal mascot, these badgers like the feel that their burrow-like common room gives them, where there is always a roaring hearth in the fireplace and a warm bed to curl up in. it's not that it's overly yellow in here, but it gives off that comfortably, homey glow that instantly puts the first years at ease as they experience hogwarts for the first time.

head of house; open

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No New Posts slytherin common room ,

those snakes like to come down here, deep in the dungeons to lounge around in the common room designed specifically for them and their friends. the passwords are usually words that they covet above all others, and it certainly doesn't earn them any respect from the rest of the school.

head of house; open

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No New Posts potions laboratory ,

without someone like snape teaching this class, people might like it a little better. but that doesn't stop old grudges from being held, and many hate this class with a passion. then again, some people have begun to look at the potions lessons with a different love after hearing about the man who had once taught it.

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dungeons ,

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newBookmarkLockedFalling (open) Midnight Snack
bellatrix nova lestrange 0 249 by bellatrix nova lestrange
Aug 19, 2012 15:54:03 GMT -5


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dungeons ,
rather dark and dreary, it's the perfect place for the potions classrooms and slytherin common room, but not much else. select few people want anything to do with this place because of it's depressing nature, but when you have classes down here, there isn't much of a choice.
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