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No New Posts headmistress's office ,

select few students have ever been in this office since the school was created, but those who have seen it have come to realize that it greatly resembles the interior of the one back at the original hogwarts. there are portraits on the wall of some of the greatest headmasters and headmistresses from the past ready to give advice if you ask...but not everyone is given this honour.

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No New Posts gryffindor common room ,

those noble lions come up here to isolate themselves from the rest of the school, in their tower of scarlet and gold with a fire always roaring in the hearth. a great many things are spoken of here, where the students can mingle or work on their studies if for some odd reason things are actually quiet, but don't count on it. they can be a rather chatty bunch.

head of house; open

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No New Posts ravenclaw common room ,

those witty ravens reside up in this tower, modelled much like their home back at hogwarts. you still have to answer a riddle to gain entrance to this starry realm. just be careful when you talk to or about the grey lady, their resident ghost. she can be a rather interesting character to come across.

head of house; open

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No New Posts the owlery ,

you can use one of these intelligent animals to send your packages and letters home, or to your friends in the school secretly. it's also a nice place to watch the sunrise. just be careful of how much time you actually spend up here, because it's not exactly the warmest place to be in the winter months.

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No New Posts clock tower ,

the bong of the clock can be rather hard to listen to if you are standing up here when it goes off, almost to the point that it could deafen you. but this is a great lookout point over the courtyard, and a way to tell the time. it always seems to be a good meeting place for those who desire a little privacy for a short while, but don't linger too long or you risk being seen.

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No New Posts astronomy tower ,

midnight is when this class begins, when you can see all of the stars in the night sky and name the constellations that they become a part of. if you have a real interest in reading the heavens, then perhaps you'll discover something about someone else...or yourself. and it might not be a good thing either.

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No New Posts divination tower ,

look beyond what you see, and if you possess a gift for the inner eye, there is no telling what you will be able to see when it comes to the lives of others. from tea leaves to crystal balls, you can quickly become aware of what's going on around you, and perhaps warn someone of what lies ahead in their future.

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towers ,

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newBookmarkLockedFalling What is wrong with my tower?
alanwalker 0 182 by alanwalker
Jan 2, 2018 6:46:42 GMT -5


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towers ,
these sections of the castle are areas that tend to be a little further away from the central hub of activity, but you can find both the gryffindor and ravenclaw towers here, as well as a bunch of classrooms that aren't commonly used by the younger students.
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